I am doing another community education class on behalf of Rochester Public Utilities (RPU) on September 27. Details are on the Rochester Community Education website (class page). The title is “Electric Vehicles – Are They Right for You?”, which I think is a great title since that is the question a lot of people are starting to ask themselves and makes the class more approachable. The big news is that this one is going to be live, so I’ll be driving down in the afternoon and back after the class.
I developed some new content for this class. Some is specific to RPU and some is improvements to the presentation of costs, both environmental and financial. This is still mainly about giving people the information they need to understand what driving an EV as their daily driver would look like.
Once I started working on the Time of Use program slide, I realized that a simple Google Sheets based calculator might be handy for attendees and their acquaintances in the RPU service area. It is specific to RPUs rate plans, but could be adapted pretty easily. It’s been fun collaborating with my RPU contacts. I’m finding out how a smaller, public utility can be very responsive and forward looking when it doesn’t have to report to shareholders with only one goal in mind.
Without further ado, here is the class presentation material.