I often find myself talking to someone who is seriously in the market for an electric vehicle. They typically have thought through their vehicular needs and are open to considering any models that those needs. In other words, making an informed decision. Here are some online resources that can help by bringing a lot of relevant information together in one place.
Shift2Electric maintains excellent lists of plug-in models available both in the Midwest and nationwide (see EV Info Lists). These are in PDF format and are great to use as print-outs at shows and other public events, but I wanted to be able to provide an easier way to sort and filter the data to put matching vehicles next to each other. With permission, I put the midwest EV info list into a Google sheets document that anyone can access and do their own comparisons with.
While researching for EV model information, I found other sources that have additional information, including model variants. Here is that list. Finally, I made a copy of the US EV Sales list that had been maintained by Argonne National Lab. Unfortunately, ANL stopped maintaining this list in November 2019, so I filled in data through 2021. This is a work in progress and I will attempt to keep this up to date, but I believe it is worth sharing in its present form and I’ll post updates when I make significant additions.